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> OXY Fuel

Oxy/Fuel firing technology in the glass melting field is an advantage in all senses

Compared with conventional Air/Fuel furnaces the Oxy/Fuel furnaces feature between 30 to 50% less consumption and, mostly, up to 50% less in NOx emissions.

If we consider also the lower investment capital required to build an Oxy/Fuel furnace and the growing importance of energy costs, this technology can be considered the valid alternative to any other existing one either in container glass and tableware.

FALORNI TECH has developed high technology Oxy/Fuel systems which are specifically conceived for the glass melting application and not derived from existing technology applied in other fields (typically the steel industry).

This specific approach is extremely different from the same that most of Technical Gas suppliers are proposing to the glass industry. Our systems are designed for the glass melting and take into account all critical issues related not only to thermal aspects but, also, to all issues of glass making such a s the chemistry of glass, the melting and refining process of glass, the life of plants, etc.

  • All plants are designed in order to fit at the best the furnace characteristics and for providing the highest performances (consumption, emission, pull rate, etc.), to avoid any risk of failure and make easy the furnace operation.

One characteristic of our systems is to accept low pressure of Oxygen at the skid input (below 1.000 mbar). This characteristic makes possible the exploitation of VPSA systems for the self-production of oxygen, operating with low pressure after absorption (no pressure boosting is required downstream) thus reducing the overall electric energy consumption of the plant.

The systems can operate with one, two or more controlled zones in melting, depending on furnace size, while the Oxygen/Fuel ratio of each burner is settable independently in order to have the most suitable temperature profile along the tank at any furnace load.

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