Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) is the alternative fuel to Natural Gas commonly used in vast areas of the world where it is largely available
In some case HFO is used as alternative and in combination with NG in dual fuel furnaces, when the price of NG is subject to season fluctuations.
Compared with NG, the HFO is more critical to manage and needs space for reception, storage, treatment and distribution.
When designing our HFO combustion systems we keep into consideration all critical aspects of the fuel and the environmental conditions where the furnace operates.
The typical composition of our HFO combustion systems is:
- Main HFO storage
- Preheating and filtering/pumping system
- Main line distribution
- Heating and straining unit
- Dosing and pumping unit
- Reversal unit
- Compressed air section
As the quality of HFO can vary, in order to guarantee the maximum flame stability in the furnace the HFO heating and straining is accurately controlled. Strainers help in clarifying the fuel oil and removing large size impurities from the fuel oil system. The HFO dosing is controlled precisely as each burner will deliver constantly the same amount of fuel thus avoiding flame asymmetry within melting tank.
Both air and HFO are controlled and modulated continuously keeping stable Air / HFO ratio at any furnace load thus ensuring better efficiency.
Related arguments:
- Regenerative Furnaces
- Recuperative Furnaces
- Oxy-Fuel furnaces
- Underport burners
- Recuperative burners
- Oxy-fuel burners