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The batch plant is the first section of the glass plant where the recipe is defined and the production process starts

The smallest error can influence the process downstream in a decisive way causing quality concerns in the glass in terms of aesthetic, physical characteristics, chemical stability, and so on. All this results in lower efficiency and in a loss of production and, therefore, loss of money.

That’s why a batch plant well-designed and well-made plays an important role in investment success, mainly taking into account the fact that the batch house is usually built to last the entire life of the plant.

Falorni Tech designs and constructs batch plants starting from the awareness that producing glass is a special process with special needs and often different from other industrial fields.

For this reason, Falorni Tech puts in the field the whole of its decades of experience synthesizing in its projects all the theoretical and practical aspects necessary to achieve a more balanced result between the technical and economic needs of the customer.

In its batch plants, Falorni Tech integrates the best technologies and materials minimizing the risk of failures and providing a tailored solution to each Customer.

Complete Engineering

We start analyzing the flow of raw material from arrival, to storage and then up to delivery. We examine all possible alternative scenarios in the designing phase in order to minimize critical handlings or useless and costly operations. Every part of our plant shall have its role and no superfluities are admitted.

Our engineering considers also the environmental condition of the site such as the nature of the ground, height limitations of buildings, distance from sources of supply, yearly atmospheric conditions, wind, and snow, etc.

We design in-line or vertical batch plant layouts with all related accessory parts (internal cullet treatment plants, cullet preheating systems, external cullet treatment plants, etc.).

Depending on plant capacity and budget availability we can conceive systems full automatic with minimum manual handlings, semiautomatic systems where the human contribution is higher but always keeping our eyes on the accuracy and reliability of the process.

The use of a 3D design tool provides us with an immediate overview of the entire plant showing clear guidelines of the design path. This means a shorter engineering time better focused on the essence of the project.

Raw material loading and storage section:

  • Pneumatic loading systems
  • Bucket elevators
  • Storage Silos systems with all accessories
  • Fluidizing systems
  • Vibrating conveyors
  • Screw conveyors

Weighing and mixing section:

  • High precision scales
  • Continuous weighing system
  • Micro-dosing systems
  • Intensive mixers
  • Moistening systems

Transport systems:

  • Motorized belt conveyors
  • S-type motorized belt conveyors
  • Sloped motorized conveyors
  • Bucket elevators
  • Revolving motorized belt conveyors
  • Bi-directional motorized belt conveyors
  • Continuous weighing belt conveyors

Cullet systems:

  • Hot cullet scrapers
  • Cullet Crusher systems
  • Magnetic separators
  • Cullet preheating systems

Control systems:

  • Complete control cabinets
  • Electrical systems
  • SCADA for supervision