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Falorni Tech is aware that FIELD SERVICES ARE key services for the success of a project…

In a competitive marketplace, businesses compete for customers. At the same time, money can’t buy one of the most important things we need to promote our business: relationships. Customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator, we offer the highest quality and additional services.

We support our customers from the initial concept to the projecting solving problems and creating solutions together. Our engineers, technicians, IT specialists have a solid background in the glass industry with a complete view of the process in all its details and nuances and are fully aware of their key function.

Our support is provided in different steps depending on the project phases.

We can deliver:

  • Audit, technical consultancy, and due diligence
  • Assistance to the analysis of the composition
  • Batching analysis,  raw material analysis
  • Assistance to the definition of the recipe
  • Supervision of the construction of refractory materials
  • Supervision of the mechanical engineering and plant engineering
  • Supervision for preheating and at startup
  • Training on the field
  • Production support